Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Or questioned just what it is that you're meant to be doing here? Many people go through life without asking the question, and then fail to understand their frustration, disappointment or short spells of success.
Then there are many who do question but believe that they do not have the resources and abilities to achieve their dreams and fulfil their purpose.
The challenge is often separating your life's purpose, that which you should achieve and that which you desire in life. I am certain that when you have the opportunity to consider your blessings in life that you may find your dreams and desires a lot more attainable. Consider this before allowing yourself to dream:
You can see… God has placed a hundred million receptors in your eyes enabling you to enjoy the magic of a leaf, a snowflake, a pond, an eagle, a child, a cloud, a star, a rose, a rainbow… and the look of love. How do you expect to see what God has in store for you if you do not appreciate the blessings that surround you? See
You can hear…you have over twenty-four thousand fibres built in each of your ears that vibrate to the wind in the trees, the tides on the rocks, the majesty of an opera, a robin's plea, children at play... and the words I love you. Listen....
You can speak... God has given you words that can calm the angry, uplift the despondent, goad the quitter, cheer the unhappy, warm the lonely, praise the worthy, encourage the defeated, teach the ignorant… and say I love you. Speak....
You can move. You are not a tree stuck in one spot while the wind abuses you. You can stretch and run and dance and work, for within you God has designed five hundred muscles, two hundred bones, and seven miles of nerve fibre all synchronized to do your bidding
Your heart is strong. Touch your chest and feel its rhythm, pulsating, hour after hour, day and night, thirty-six million beats each year, year after year, asleep or awake, pumping your blood through more than sixty thousand miles of veins, arteries, and tubing… pumping more than six hundred thousand gallons each year. God has never created such an awesome machine. Use it well...
Your skin is clear and a marvel of creation, needing only that you tend it with soap and oil and brush and care. In time all steels will tarnish and rust, but not your skin. Eventually the strongest of metals will wear, with use, but not that layer that I have constructed around you. Constantly it renews itself, old cells replaced by new, just as the old you is now replaced by the new
Your lungs, the portholes to life support you even in the vilest of environments of your own making, and they labour always to filter live-giving oxygen through six hundred million pockets of folded flesh while they rid your body of gaseous wastes
Within your eight litres of blood are twenty-two trillion blood cells and within each cell are millions of molecules and within each molecule is an atom oscillating at more than ten million times each second. Each second, two million of your blood cells die to be replaced by two million more in a resurrection that has continued since your first birth.
Your brain is the most complex structure in the universe. Within its three pounds are thirteen billion nerve cells, more than three times as many cells as there are people on your earth. To help you file away every perception, every sound, every taste, every smell, every action you have experienced since the day of your birth. God has implanted within your cells, more than one thousand billion billion protein molecules. Every incident in your life is there waiting only your recall. To assist your brain in the control of your body God has dispersed, throughout your form, four million pain-sensitive structures, five hundred thousand touch detectors, and more than two hundred thousand temperature detectors. No nation's gold is better protected than you.
You are God's finest creation.
You have two choices in life. Choose your own purpose and vision or realise that God has abundantly blessed you with more resources than you could ever need and has a clear purpose for you. Allow yourself to believe in the visions that you have had for yourself since birth and full fill the passions of your heart. You know them well.