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Sunday, August 9, 2009

You are already successful

This principle is based on the premise that you are taking control of your environment.There are many of us that understand and apply the principles of success daily without recognising the fact that we are.

The basic principles of the successful implementation of an objective would be:
• to first identify the end result or vision (what would the end result look like);
• then identify objectives to assist in successfully delivering the vision;
• Next identify the habits required to implement the objectives;
• determine the team that would implement the habits that would assure successful implementation of the vision or final objective; and
• last but not least call to duty.

An example I would like to use is sad but very true. Recently our community policing forum was assisting the police in an operation when I observed the following:There were vagrants trespassing on private property sleeping on the ground. They had created human nests, with four to five guys sleeping together under blankets and plastic sheets. Here we had grown men that had decided the following:
Vision: That they would sleep warm in an unsuitable environment
• Create a clearly defined area to bed down
• Agree to bedding down time
• Who would be sleeping where in the nest?
• Duration of the sleeping arrangement
• Who would contribute resources, blankets etc to the arrangement
• What time they would meet to eat and arrange themselves in the nest
• Who would be responsible for arranging the covering when everyone was in?
• The effect of ablution arrangements on the comfort of the other guests in the nest
• Safety and demarcation of the nest when they left to go to work.

I am sure that they did not consciously set out to fulfil the objectives as I set them out, and herein lays my point.All indications were that all the nests were successful in achieving the above objectives. Although this example is a sad one, it clearly demonstrates that we all have and daily effect the habits required for success. If there is a lack then it lies within the realm of us not setting big and clear enough objectives to deliver on what we really need and want.Instead our energies are focused on what we don’t want using the same principles of success and then wondering why we get the results that we do.

This example is not unique and I see it played out everyday. Set time aside to really focus on what you want, instead of going through the actions that ensure success in the things that you don’t want.

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